Savings & Coverage
Coverage and access for REXULTI® (brexpiprazole)
Data provided here do not guarantee coverage or payment (partial or full). Actual benefits are determined by respective plan administrators. Consult with payer for all relevant coverage requirements.
Coverage support
- CoverMyMeds (a third-party service contracted by Otsuka and Lundbeck)
helps your eligiblea patients with coverage assistance - CoverMyMeds can be initiated by a healthcare provider or the pharmacy when
a prior authorization is required
- CoverMyMeds (a third-party service contracted by Otsuka and Lundbeck) helps your eligiblea patients with coverage assistance
- CoverMyMeds can be initiated by a healthcare provider or the pharmacy when a prior authorization is required
aFurther conditions apply.
Otsuka Patient Support
- Otsuka Patient Support provides copay, access, and additional relevant information and resources for you and your appropriate patients
What the REXULTI Savings Card covers:
If your patients have been prescribed REXULTI, and have commercial insurance, they may be eligible for the REXULTI Savings Card.
- Pay as little as $0 for the first 2 monthsb
- Pay as little as $5 per refill, even for 90-day prescriptionsc
bOffer not valid for cash-paying patients OR where drug is not covered by primary insurance. Additional Terms & Conditions apply. Maximum annual benefit applies based on current list price. See full Terms & Conditions for the current maximum benefit and more information.
c89.5% of REXULTI patients pay $15 or less (based on average patient price from September 2022–August 2023).1
Reference: 1. Data on file Otsuka (REX-31048).